2021 Baby Registry Checklist: Your all-in-one guide to making a baby registry

2021 Baby Registry Checklist: Your all-in-one guide to making a baby registry

2021 baby registry checklist + printable guide to making a baby registry Updated: February 2021 Hey Mama, are you starting to stress about building your baby registry? Do you feel like you have so many options and no idea where to even begin? You may even have multiple registry checklists from well-meaning friends and family,…

The best diaper bag backpack and duffel, for infants and toddlers

The best diaper bag backpack and duffel, for infants and toddlers

As a new mom, one of the most important things you’ll use almost every day is your diaper bag. It’s incredibly important that you like your diaper bag and that it’s functional. There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to deal with a baby blowout with a huge tote bag full of stuff — and you…

Gift Guide for Dad

Gift Guide for Dad

I love the holidays. Everyone seems to move into the hustle and bustle of shopping, hot chocolate, and parties. The excitement of getting together with friends and family brings a lot of energy to what would otherwise be a dark and cold season before we get into the new year. It’s the last chance you…

Baby Registry Guide: Baby Essentials – Feeding, Clothing & General Health

Baby Registry Guide: Baby Essentials – Feeding, Clothing & General Health

I found registering for a baby to be a difficult process, mainly because I had no idea what to get. I didn’t want to just register for the most expensive items, because wow, you need a lot of stuff. There are so many essential baby items, feeding, clothing, sleeping, bath, and general health. And I…