The best books for toddlers twelve months plus

The BEST books for toddlers

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I think we all know how important it is to read to our kids, but many of us don’t know what the right books are for each age group. Your kids learn SO much from watching and mimicking you – and yes, from the books that you read. Choosing the right books helps facilitate development, and you’ll have fun doing it! It’s easy to tell when a book is over your toddler’s head since they’ll be scrambling off your lap. I’ve rounded up the best books for toddlers that our little lady loved day in and day out. Here are a few books that make it easy to bond with your child, and are developmentally friendly! If you’re looking for something new for your reading list, look no further!

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HINT: If you need a great baby shower gift, why not try a few books? You can also check out our best books for infants post to get the new mamma reading to her little one early!


Best books for toddlers

Some of these books are a little longer, so your twelve-month-old might not be into them immediately. The development of a twelve-month-old is VERY different than an almost-three-year-old, so just test these out and bring them into the rotation when your child is ready. Our little lady always loved to read, but she definitely became more able to engage after she turned two.


If you Give a Mouse a Cookie

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do You See?

The Belly Button Book

Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed

The Pout-Pout Fish

I am a bunny

Goodnight Moon

The Napping House

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

I love my mommy because

Five Little Monkeys Sitting in a Tree

Tickle Time

What’s Wrong Little Pookie?

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Reading with your child is a great way to bond and is obviously good for their development. Choosing age-appropriate books helps build new skills and allows you to interact in a fun way. If you start with a book and your baby isn’t interested, come back to it a month or so later. So many of our fan favorites were tossed on the floor early on. Reading early and often will help foster a lifelong love of books, an amazing gift you can easily give your child.

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share it on Facebook or Pinterest so other moms can find great books to read with their toddlers.

Reading to your children is an amazing way to bond and help them grow. Check out the best books for toddlers, from 12 months+ Toddler books are a great way to bond and facilitate learning. Here's our favorite list of awesome books to get your library started.

Happy reading!

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